Creativity, Life Coaching, Parenting

What can I do with my young child?

Frequently asked by parents, grandparents, nannies or au pairs is the question: What can I do with a young child or grandchild that’s simple and easy, yet effective in bolstering imagination and confidence?

The busy life of parents leaves little time to think about the what and how of playing with young children, and that’s where our second online course, MindScapes in ChildPlay, can help you in providing many answers to this question, that are demonstrated by parents and their children.

Lala and floaty paper

Preview lectures have been posted on YouTube, with Lecture 7 appearing today. This one shows mothers and their children taking part in the activities exploring pine cones amidst giggles and laughter. Kyla and Cones


Most of the props in the course have three lectures dedicated to each one, simply because each and every one offers endless sensory explorations that generate fun-filled, open-ended activities.

Just Matthew heads in box

The golden rule of no right or wrong predominates throughout this course which in turn allows a freedom of expression in the complete absence of judgement.

We are all unique in our combination of talent and potential and MindScapes in ChildPlay encourages the confident emergence of this individuality in your child.

To access the course please click here